Cool Pinterest News!

Pinterest has noticed that we teachers seem a little . . .  ummmm . . . addicted to pinning and have started a section just for us!  I have been asked to start “kicking off” the 4th Grade board!  Here’s the best part–it’s ALL teaching ideas–no products at all!  I am SURE you are going to want to check it out . . . hopefully it will be a place where teachers can go to find all the latest and greatest ideas in the world of teaching.

Make sure to come check it out . . . it is just a “baby” board now, but the hope is that it will grow into something fabulous so share it with all your friends!

Here’s the 4th grade board to check out!

Follow the entire board here!

As for other news . . .  I am finally starting to get my “groove” into school planning.  I am working on some reading assessment stuff to share with my team that I hope will make our lives easier!  I am also going to FINALLY print off my own Standards for Mathematical Practice posters to display in my room . . . they’ve been selling well but I haven’t made a set for myself!  I think I have decided what to put on most of my bulletin boards, so hopefully some mini reveals will be happening soon.

I am also re-reading a book about math workshop so I can wrap my head around how I am going to organize my classroom this year.  And–if you have been following for a while, I had my Words Their Way training, so I have a LOT of thinking to do about that!

Watch for some classroom posts as the week unfolds–but stop over and check things out on Pinterest while you wait!
